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同学会 皇室


Students may begin voting at midnight Monday, Oct. 9, by logging into CatPAWS; voting ends at midnight Wednesday, Oct. 18. The king and queen will be announced Thursday, Oct. 19, at the conclusion of the 同学会 Variety Show, which begins at 7 p.m. at the Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts. Variety Show tickets are $5.

King candidates


Robert Keays

年: 高级

主要: Business Management

家乡: Raymore, Missouri

Campus involvement: Sigma Phi Epsilon, Interfraternity Council, Newman Center, Student Senate

Favorite part about 同学会:

I love the excitement of the Variety Show, 在过去的几年里,演小品和当演员一直是我大学生涯的亮点. 看到每个人看到人群欣赏他们的辛勤工作后脸上的骄傲让我笑了.

What does being a 熊猫 mean to you?

Being a bearcat means having a second 家庭. No matter what corner I turn I know I'm going to see a smiling face. I meet someone new almost 每一天 just by being on campus, and I know the connections I've made here are going to last me a 生活time. 我非常感激我在这里遇到的每一个人以及他们教给我的不同的东西. Being a bearcat also means being able to grow, and pushing others to do the same; a true bearcat is the best version of themself, 每一天!

Personal motto: Wrinkles only go where smiles have been.


Jacob Waters

年: 高级

主要: Physical Education

家乡: Olathe, Kansas

Campus involvement: Sigma Tau Gamma, Blue Key Honor Society, Campus Recreation, StuMo, Basketball Club, Women's Basketball Scout Team

Favorite part about 同学会:


What does being a 熊猫 mean to you?


Personal motto: If it matters to you, who cares if it matters to anyone else.



年: 高级

主要: Computer Science

家乡: St. Louis, Missouri

Campus involvement: Minority Men's Organization, Black Student Union, 101st Student Senate, Student Ambassador for CSIS, African Student Organization, International Student Organization and TRiO

Favorite part about 同学会:

Variety Show as I once was a host & the 游行 for all the different activities.

What does being a 熊猫 mean to you?

成为一名熊猫意味着为他人和自己提供最好的体验. 打开你的思想,接受威尼斯人在线所提供的一切,在这个校园里留下印记,把你的全部自我带到每一次互动中. There you will find belonging inheriting your true 熊猫 Pride!

Personal motto: I can't be anyone except myself!




年: 高级

主要: Instrumental Music Education

家乡: Weston, Missouri

Campus involvement: 熊猫军乐队,φμ Alpha交响乐团,以及全国音乐教育协会.

Favorite part about 同学会:

My favorite part about homecoming is marching in the parade.

What does being a 熊猫 mean to you?


Personal motto: Know who you are and stick to it.



Brendon Engeman

年: 高级

主要: Agricultural Business

家乡: Montrose, Missouri

Campus involvement: Delta Tau Alpha Honorary Society, Colligate Farm Bureau, Order of Omega Honorary Society, Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity, Interfraternity Council, Student Senate

Favorite part about 同学会:

威尼斯人在线的返乡有很多让人喜欢的地方,很难从中选出一个. 从整个星期的比赛和活动到体育场的决赛, the whole week is amazing, but if I had to pick one, it is that 同学会 brings us all together to celebrate. Even with the competitions, by the end of Saturday, all the students, 校友, community members, 和大学的朋友们一起庆祝威尼斯人在线伟大的机构, and it is that connection that I enjoy most.

What does being a 熊猫 mean to you?

对我来说,成为一名熊猫最好的定义是大学教给每个新生的价值观, specifically Integrity, 尊重, and excellence. 熊猫s are people who work hard to excel in their 生活 endeavors. 熊猫s are 朋友, 他们正直地支持他们的朋友,尊重他们在生活中遇到的人.

Personal motto:

我有幸加入的许多组织塑造了我的个性, and my motto is drawn from these organizations. From 4-H and Alpha Gamma Rho, to "Make the Best Better" and from FFA "...Living to Serve.". My goal in 生活 is to make my best better so as to serve the future.


Queen candidates


Bradlie Wilmes

年: 高级

主要: Agricultural Education

家乡: Clarinda, Iowa

Campus involvement: 大学农场局- 2022-2023年主席Block and Bridle - 2022-2023年副主席Sigma Alpha - Alpha Beta分会大学牧牛人协会Delta Tau Alpha农业荣誉协会

Favorite part about 同学会:

看到来自校园各地的人们聚在一起参加返校节的庆祝活动,真是令人欣慰. 返校游行是威尼斯人在线熊猫家族成员展示他们所有努力工作的机会. 我喜欢看到现在的学生和校友涌向玛丽维尔,表达他们对威尼斯人在线的骄傲和热爱,同时建立新的纽带.

What does being a 熊猫 mean to you?

成为熊猫意味着与员工和学生一起成长,很快就会成为一生的家人. 在威尼斯人在线,熊猫家庭相互支持,并在毕业后继续成为一个家庭.

Personal motto: Live each day with a purpose.


Obioma Nwuba

年: 初级

主要: Early Childhood Education

家乡: Anambra State, Nigeria

Campus involvement: African Students Organization; International Students Organization; Student Missouri State Teachers Association; 101st Student Senate. Career Ambassador at the Career Services and Tutor at the Writing Center

Favorite part about 同学会:


What does being a 熊猫 mean to you?

Being a 熊猫 means embracing possibilities. 它意味着成为一个支持性社区的一部分,在人群中找到一个家, 类, and activities that you care about and care about you. 这意味着你知道只要完全相信这个过程,你就能实现任何你下定决心要做的事情.

Personal motto: Show what's possible - teach, love, inspire.


Elizabeth Motazedi

年: 高级

主要: Social Studies - History Education

家乡: Joplin, Missouri

Campus involvement: 101st Student Senate, Board of Regents, φμ, Presidential 搜索 Committee, Order of Omega, The Writing Center

Favorite part about 同学会:

关于返校,我最喜欢的部分是熊猫的自豪感. It is amazing to see the extensive amount of alumni, 朋友, community members, etc return to a place that they are also passionate about and call home.

What does being a 熊猫 mean to you?

Being a 熊猫 means having a sense of belonging. 作为西北大家庭的一员,有一种自然而然的、欢迎的感觉. It creates so much positivity and connections that will last a 生活time.

Personal motto: "One today is worth two tomorrows." - Benjamin Franklin


Jada Grovijohn

年: 高级

主要: 心理学

家乡: Omaha, Nebraska

Campus involvement: Alpha Sigma Alpha, Panhellenic Council

Favorite part about 同学会:

关于返校节,我最喜欢的是有很多人在第四街排队观看游行. 当你走在游行队伍中,看到这么多来自西北和玛丽维尔社区的人为你过去几个月努力工作的花车或表演欢呼时,那是最好的感觉.

What does being a 熊猫 mean to you?

对我来说, 成为一名熊猫意味着你是一个推动你在学术和课外活动中脱颖而出的社区的一部分. 你应该支持社区中的其他人,尽你所能帮助他们取得成功. 这意味着你是一个终生关系网的一部分,你知道他们会支持你,给你带来最大的利益.

Personal motto: 你付出什么就会得到什么,不要害怕把自己放在那里,抓住机会!



年: 高级

主要: Mass Media: Sports Media

家乡: Olathe, Kansas

Campus involvement: 女子足球,蓝钥匙荣誉学会,Lambda Pi Eta,西北通讯社交媒体实习生

Favorite part about 同学会:

看到西北社区聚集在一起,来自不同年龄和校友庆祝熊猫文化. # OABAAB

What does being a 熊猫 mean to you?

对我来说,成为熊猫意味着为自己和周围的人感到骄傲. 与不同群体的人联系,像家人一样互相关心和保护. 此外, 为他人树立榜样,对自己在学校的行为有高标准, 生活, 家庭, 和朋友.

Personal motto: "I can and I will"